
Dusan Pala,培訓師和 MMA 戰鬥機, 喜歡麻製品 - 來自 CBD霧化, CBD油,到大麻種子 - 可以說他已經親自嘗試了很大一部分品種。 然而,最近,他決定從他的訓練計劃中完全消除乳清蛋白,並包括植物大麻 蛋白質 代替。


I have been using whey proteins from the very beginning since I started actively with martial arts and it has been 15 years.自從我積極從事武術以來,我從一開始就一直使用乳清蛋白,至今已有XNUMX年了。 During that time, I went through X marks, flavours... until I came across - thanks to Cannadorra - hemp proteins.在那段時間裡,我經歷了X記,風味……直到遇到大麻蛋白(感謝Cannadorra)。 I can't say that I would somehow lose the taste of whey proteins, or that I would somehow resent them, but hemp products have entered my daily life and I am excited about them, they suit me, they fit me, they convince me of their我不能說我會以某種方式失去乳清蛋白的味道,或者以某種方式我會討厭它們,但是大麻產品已經進入我的日常生活,我為它們感到興奮,它們適合我,適合我,說服我他們的 氣質 就我身體的範圍(尤其是再生)而言,所以這也是轉向大麻蛋白質的一種邏輯方法。


I especially appreciate the absorption and the fact that I am sure that I will get everything I need into my body.我特別欣賞我的吸收和這一事實,我確信我會將自己需要的一切帶入體內。 From從 維生素,氨基酸和人體所需的其他物質。 I enjoy that.我很喜歡I don't have to have x more supplements because I have everything in one.我不必再多補充一些東西,因為我將所有東西合而為一。


At first, I was struck by the taste.起初,我被這種味道所吸引。 In fact, I struggled with it a bit :) And then the solubility of the protein - who has already tried it knows that the whole protein will實際上,我對此有點掙扎:)然後蛋白質的溶解度-已經嘗試過的蛋白質知道整個蛋白質都會 不能完全溶解,但其中一部分將保留在底部。 它是“其餘的” 大麻種子 蛋白質是由它製成的。 我很困惑,不確定我是否正確製備了蛋白質。 於是,我打電話給負責捷克大麻諮詢的 Pavel,他向我解釋了一切。 然後我平靜下來,開始享受新的口味和品質。

Lots of athletes are discouraged by the taste - what about you?很多運動員不喜歡這種口味-你呢? How was it when you first tasted hemp protein and how do you rate it now?初次品嚐大麻蛋白時感覺如何,現在如何評價?



銷售價格: 33,00€


銷售價格: 18,00€

Therefore, I will return to the fact that I have incorporated hemp products into my daily life and I started to "live" with hemp, and in the end, my taste came completely normal.因此,我將回到將大麻產品納入日常生活的事實,並開始與大麻“共存”,最終,我的口味完全恢復正常。 It's definitely not a shaker from MC Donald, but unlike whey "shaker" I'm not so bloated after a hemp lifetime and I regenerate at least as well, so the taste is not number one.它絕對不是MC Donald的搖搖器,但是與乳清“搖搖器”不同,我在麻麻一生後沒有那麼腫脹,而且我至少也能再生,所以味道不是第一。 And how do I feel about it now?我現在感覺如何? After 3 months of use, I picked up various recipes, so to speak :) and I can prepare the protein使用XNUMX個月後,我挑選了各種食譜:可以說,我可以準備蛋白質 非常好吃。 For example combinations of strawberries, peaches, melons are at least absolutely great for me.例如,草莓,桃子,甜瓜的組合對我來說至少是絕對很棒的。 So, I gradually picked it up according to my tastes and now I'm already in the phase when I'm really looking forward to my protein after training :) and that's the basis - everyone should look forward to their protein, that's why we choose the tastes, that's logical.因此,我根據自己的口味逐漸挑選了它,現在我已經處於訓練後真正期待蛋白質的階段了:)這就是基礎-每個人都應該期待自己的蛋白質,這就是為什麼選擇口味,這是合乎邏輯的。


I like classic BIO, without flavour.我喜歡經典的BIO,沒有味道。 Thanks to the already mentioned fruit mixes, I will make the taste I want, and I really enjoy it.多虧已經提到的水果混合物,我才能做出自己想要的味道,而且我真的很喜歡。


因此,對我來說,食譜可能絕對是桃子,但要小心-從罐頭:)))))))))只是甜蜜而非常好:)))))))而且花園裡的新鮮草莓當然也很好: ))))) 


Take great care of this product :)) I'm a big coffee lover and I can say that it succeeded sacramentally.請特別注意此產品:))我是個咖啡愛好者,我可以說它成功地取得了成功。 So as soon as you taste it, you're a clear fan of this coffee.因此,一旦您品嚐它,便會很喜歡這種咖啡。 The only big minus that I would give to this coffee is that it comes in a small package :))))))) was quickly gone :)))) so for me at least two kg :)))我要給這杯咖啡唯一的大缺點是它裝在一個小包裝中:)))))))))很快就消失了:)))))所以對我來說至少有兩公斤:)))



Exactly hemp is my everyday partner that really fits me.大麻是我真正適合我的日常伴侶。 What does my day look like?我的日子怎麼樣?

早上我吃牛奶麥片,加一茶匙大麻籽,然後滴 5 滴 CBD x CBG 油,CBD 咖啡是毫無爭議的......下午我用電子煙喝液體,然後再次訓練咖啡以提高並且在訓練大麻蛋白質之後,有時在睡覺前非常好 大麻茶 和睡覺 :)))

5%CBD + 2%CBG大麻油-食品補充劑。 它促進免疫力,對人體的...

銷售價格: 45,00€


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所有介紹的大麻產品是 根據歐盟立法,100%合法。 它們由合法的農業大麻菌株製成,其中含有合法的四氫大麻酚含量(小於0,2%)。 大麻種子用於生產油,蛋白質以及直接食用。 大麻藥草用於CBD提取,茶,藥膏和化妝品。 我們所有的產品都不是精神病患者。 

Cannadorra.com提供全面的麻,CBD產品和食品。 所有的歐盟大多是有機生產 

CBD產品 大麻茶 | 麻油 | 麻種子 | 大麻蛋白 | 其他大麻 | 大麻化妝品 | 大麻藥膏
